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Where does the name Shincheonji come from?

Shincheonji (신천지) is short for shin-cheon shin-ji (신천신지). It is Sino-Korean and means New Heaven, New Earth.

Who is the founder of Shincheonji?


Jesus is the founder and head of the church (Eph 1:22, Col 1:18). The full name of the congregation is therefore: "Shincheonji Congregation of Jesus, Temple of the Tent of Testimony".

It is sometimes erroneously claimed that a human is the founder of Shincheonji. However, this does not correspond to the fact. The leader of the meeting is the leader of the community.


What do we believe in Shincheonji?

Shincheonji is a community that believes in God, Jesus and the Bible.
We attach great importance to leading the life of faith based on the words of the New Testament (New Covenant). We pray in the name of Jesus and offer our services to God.

The basis of faith is the New Testament promised by Jesus, the New Covenant of the Bible. According to Hebrews 8:10-12, we write the law of God on our minds and in our hearts. According to the promise in the New Testament, one can obtain the forgiveness of sins in this way.

We also believe in the prophecies written in Revelation and their fulfillment. Shincheonji is the only church in the world that witnesses the fulfillment of Revelation.


what is our hope


According to the promises of the Bible, we believe in resurrection and eternal life (John 11:25).


Does Shincheonji believe that eternal life is really possible?

Eternal life is not a doctrine created by Shincheonji, rather it is a promise God made to mankind many years ago.

In 1 John 5:13 God says, “I have written this to you that you may know that you have eternal life who believe on the name of the Son of God.”

No matter how much Noah believed in the promise of God and cried out to the people that the Deluge was coming, the people did not believe His words because they had never seen a Deluge before. Therefore, it is understandable that people cannot comprehend eternal life without seeing an immortal man, even if Jesus promised it.

Jesus said to her: I am the resurrection and the life; whoever believes in me will live even though he has died; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you think the? John 11:25-26

The members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus learn the Word of the Bible and have realized that God has fulfilled ALL that He has promised so far. Accordingly, we also believe in eternal life because God has promised this for the last time. We are convinced that this is the biblical faith and the faith that God wants us to have. But every human being is free to choose whatever religion his or her heart can believe in and has the right to have others respect their choice. We wish that the faith of the Shincheonji congregation of Jesus will be treated with the same respect.


Why do Shincheonji members die despite claiming eternal life?

Jesus said in John 11:26 that eternal life will not come at any given time, but that it will come in the last times. One might ask how eternal life is possible. Yet the book of Revelation says that those whose faith is recognized in their lives will become one with the spirits of the martyrs and live forever (Rev. 20:4). The last time, that is, the end time that Jesus speaks of, is the time in which we, you and I, live today. The members of the Shincheonji congregation of Jesus therefore place their hope in the time when God will descend with his kingdom of heaven according to the word in Rev 21 and live their faith.


Why do so many people go to Shincheonji?


That many people go to a particular church indicates that the church brings them something in the faith. For us, it is the Word of God that guides us in faith. At first, many are amazed by Shincheonji's teachings because they enable them to understand the entire Bible. And in the end they find that the Shincheonji Church of Jesus is the only church that teaches the prophecies of Revelation and their fulfillment. So many perceive the Word as God's grace and decide to come to Shincheonji accordingly.


Why does Shincheonji proselytize Christians who already believe in God?

The Shincheonji Church of Jesus teaches about the Bible for free, regardless of whether you were a believer or not. Many of them decide to join the Shincheonji Church of Jesus after learning the contents of the Bible in Shincheonji.

Jesus spread the gospel 2,000 years ago by teaching the Israelites the true meaning of God's will. Most Israelites at that time thought that they already had a faith that was acceptable to God. Then Jesus came to them and said that they should misunderstand God and should therefore repent. This is how more and more people emerged who left Judaism and joined Christianity.

Even before starting the Bible study in Shincheonji, many members of Shincheonji thought why they were asked to study the Bible, even though they believe in Jesus. After learning about the contents of the Bible, she realized that Christianity today is in the same position that Judaism was 2,000 years ago. God spoke through 1 Tim 2:4 that it is His desire that all men should be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. With the same heart as God, the members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus encourage all people to learn the truth of the Bible.


What is the difference between Shincheonji and other communities?   

The biggest difference is that the Shincheonji Church of Jesus teaches all 66 books of the Bible using the 6Ws and proclaims the fact that the prophecies of Revelation are fulfilled. Those who study the Bible the way Jesus' Shincheonji congregation does it will recognize that there is a common thread running through the entire Bible, from the book of Genesis to the book of Revelation. So you can see why and for what purpose God gave the Bible to mankind. Everyone who has learned and recognized the Bible in this way chooses to join the Shincheonji Church of Jesus. Each of us strives to live our faith according to the words of the Bible, in which the will of God is written.


What does it mean that Shincheonji is created according to the Bible?


In Isa 65:17 one can read that God wants to create a New Heaven and a New Earth.
Likewise, in Revelation one reads the promise that a New Heaven and a New Earth will appear (Rev 21:1). This is not a physical heaven and earth (Ecclesiastes 1:4), but God is creating a new kingdom and a new people.

From its inception to its organizational structure, Shincheonji was created according to the words of the Bible. It is the kingdom created on earth as it is in heaven (Mt 6:10, Rev 4).

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